Catamarans For Sale

Going The Distance.While Staying In Place!

Going The Distance ...While Staying in Place!

Letters From The President of Catco

Hugh Murray
The Catamaran company

"Going the distance ...while Staying in Place!"

Have you noticed how differently people are viewing the Coronavirus and its impact on all of our lives? Putting aside the understandable terror that this disease has brought to all of us, people are handling the consequences in very different ways. Many people are pretty pessimistic in their overall outlook and have decided that a month at home is unbearable and that regardless of what potentially positive signs we might now be seeing, the sky is still definitely going to fall. It is very true that you are soon going to be able to see that the hair color displayed by many of us is not our actual hair color and that many of us are a lot greyer than we really like to admit but some also fail to appreciate that wearing plastic gloves actually helps hide if your nails need to be done!

Then there are those optimists out there who recognize what true inconvenience is. It is what is being endured by those "essential workers" who are risking their lives every day for the rest of us, who are sleeping in their garages or basement, so they do not expose their own families..........

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